A radix tree has the
following invariants:
L being the set of
keys in the left subtree of F and R being the set of keys in the right
subtree of F we have for all F: ∀ x∈L ∀ y∈R x < y
For all F we have
that parent(F) < F
The fist and second
invariant holds because of the fist and second
part of the
definition for lexicographically less than respectively.
Also because of
transitivity we know that each key is less than all its descendants.
So knowing this 2
invariant we know we can do a pre-order walk.
But is pre-oder
walk Θ(n)?
We know that for a tree
of x nodes pre-order walk runs in Θ(x).
The key of a node
is like a trail to get were he is and each bit is a turn.
In each turn there is a
node but the paths may partially overlap for each key.
Knowing this we can say
that x - 1 ≤ n and therefore the runtime is Θ(n)
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